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International agreements

The Republic of Serbia has agreements on social insurance with 32 countries, which regulate issues in acknowledgement of pensionable service, health insurance, pension payments and other benefits:
1at Austria
be Belgium
ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
bg Bulgaria
Ka Canada
Zastava-Kvebek Quebec
Zastava-Kina China
cr Croatia
3cy Cyprus
cs Czech Republic
da Denmark
fr France
de Germany
Great Britain
hu Hungary
it Italy
5ly Libya
4lu Luxembourg
mk North Macedonia
6me Montenegro
nl Netherlands
no Norway
7pa Panama
pl Poland
ro Romania
sk Slovakia
sl Slovenia
sv Sweden
2ch Switzerland
tr Turkey

Documentation required for the realization of rights

Old age pension:

  1. Request
  2. Photocopy of ID card
  3. Birth certificate (for insured persons who do not possess an identification card issued in the Republic of Serbia)
  4. Evidence of settled military service (copy of military booklet or certificate of the military department)
  5. Proof of use of rights / registered with the National Employment Service
  6. Proof of pension service in the Republic of Serbia - closed work history, certificate of reduced service years for retirement  and other public documents of years of employment (decisions, certificates, confirmations, etc..), in the original form
  7. Proof of termination of employment –decision (photocopy)
  8. Certificate of self-employment, is issued by the municipality authority or appropriate association, union (up to 31 DEC 2005) ,and/or decision of the Business Registers Agency (up to 01 JAN 2006).
  9. Certificate of payment of contributions to the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, with the defined contribution base and the amount of contributions paid, issued by the Tax Administration for the period of self-employment (this certificate is not required for independent artists, film workers and sportsmen up to 31 DEC 2002, and for priests and religious officials up to 31 AUG 2004)
  10. Certificate of payment of contributions to Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, with the defined contribution base and the amount of contributions paid, issued by the Tax Administration for the period of performing agricultural activity
  11. All written evidence of years of employment abroad
  12. Form no 1. of a physician on duty certified by the applicable Health Center Commission of the health center in charge, with the original medical records (for insured persons who apply for early retirement, due to the existence of a disability - Germany, France). Form no 1. must be typed on a typewriter or computer-processed. If there is no certification of medical commission, a certificate of payment of the expert investigation cost must be enclosed.

Note: Persons who have been insured on several bases (employment, self-employed, farming), should submit evidence on each basis of insurance.

The application and documentation should be submitted to the branch according to the place of residence, in person or by mail, to Fund Directorate, Dr. Aleksandra Kostica 9 Belgrade, or Province Fund Directorate, Zitni trg 3 Novi Sad

Disability pension:

  1. Request
  2. Form no 1. of a physician on duty certified by the applicable Health Center Commission of the health center in charge, with the original medical records (a specialist’s report, discharge lists, etc..). Form no 1. must be typed on a typewriter or computer-processed. If there is no certification of medical commission, a certificate of payment of the expert investigation cost must be enclosed.
  3. Confirmation of the workplace and job description that the insured performs at the time of application (filled in by the employer’s human resources department)
  4. Report of injury at work, if the insured person has suffered injury
  5. Evidence of settled military service (copy of military booklet or certificate of the military department)
  6. Proof of use of rights / registered with the National Employment Service
  7. Photocopy of ID card
  8. Birth certificate (for insured persons who do not possess an identification card issued in the Republic of Serbia)
  9. Photocopy of health insurance cards
  10. Proof of pension service in the Republic of Serbia - closed work history, certificate of reduced service years for retirement  and other public documents of years of employment (decisions, certificates, confirmations, etc..), in the original form
  11. Proof of termination of employment - decision (photocopy)
  12. Certificate of self-employment, which is issued by the municipality authority or the appropriate Association, Union (up to 31 DEC 2005), and decision of the Agency for Business Registers (01 JAN 2006).
  13. Certificate of payment of contributions to the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, with the defined contribution base and the amount of contributions paid, issued by the Tax Administration for the period of self-employment (this certificate is not required for independent artists, film workers and sportsmen up to 31 DEC 2002, and for priests and religious officials up to 31 AUG 2004)
  14. Certificate of payment of contributions to Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, with the defined contribution base and the amount of contributions paid, issued by the Tax Administration for the period of performing agricultural activity
  15. All written evidence of years of employment abroad

Note: Persons who have been insured on several bases (employment, self-employed, farming), should submit evidence on each basis of insurance.

The application and documentation should be submitted to the branch according to the place of residence, in person or by mail, to Fund Directorate, Dr. Aleksandra Kostica 9 Belgrade, or Province Fund Directorate, Zitni trg 3 Novi Sad

Survivor  pension:

  • after the user’s death
  1. Request
  2. Death certificate (original), of the deceased pensioner
  3. Birth certificate of the applicants (original) and photocopies of identity cards for adult family members
  4. Marriage certificate for widow / ca, issued after the death of the user of rights
  5. The final decision on divorce and awarded alimony for a divorced spouse
  6. Proof of education for children over 15 years
  7. Photocopy of the decision on the deceased's retirement pension attained abroad, proof of pension service in their respective states
  8. Form no 1.of a physician on duty, with the original medical records (a specialist’s report, discharge lists, etc.), for persons incapable of independent life and work, for children unable to live independently and work, decision on the categorization should be submitted
  9. Tax assessment of the applicants: the total amount of monthly income in the quarter before the death of pensioner, the names and addresses of persons who can confirm the fact of allowance, when the allowance is the requirement for entitlement to a family pension
  10. The decision on custody, if the applicant has no legal guardian

Note: Persons who have been insured on several bases (employment, self-employed, farming), should submit evidence on each basis of insurance.

The application and documentation should be submitted to the branch according to the place of residence, in person or by mail, to Fund Directorate, Dr. Aleksandra Kostica 9 Belgrade, or Province Fund Directorate, Zitni trg 3 Novi Sad

  • after the death of the insured
  1. Request
  2. Death certificates (original), for the deceased insured person
  3. Birth certificate, for the applicants (original) and photocopies of identity cards for adult family members
  4. Birth certificate for widow / ca, issued after the death of the insured person (original)
  5. The final decision on divorce, and awarded alimony for a divorced spouse
  6. Report of injury at work, if the deceased insured person has suffered injury (if the insured's death resulted from injury)
  7. Evidence of settled military service (copy of military booklet or certificate of the military department) of the deceased insured
  8. Proof of education for children over 15 years
  9. Photocopy of the health cards of family members
  10. Proof of the deceased insured pension service in the Republic of Serbia - closed work history, certificate of reduced service years for retirement  and other public documents of years of employment (decisions, certificates, confirmations, etc..), in the original form
  11. Certificate of performing independent activities of the insured deceased, which is issued by the municipality or the appropriate Association, Union (up to 31.DEC 2005).or decision of the Agency for Business Registers (up to 01 JAN 2006)
  12. Certificate of payment of contributions to the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, with the defined contribution base and the amount of contributions paid, issued by the Tax Administration for the period of self-employment (this certificate is not required for independent artists, film workers and sportsmen up to 31 DEC 2002, and for priests and religious officials up to 31 AUG 2004) for the deceased insured person.
  13. Certificate of payment of contributions to Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, with the defined contribution base and the amount of contributions paid, issued by the Tax Administration for the period of performing agricultural activity of the deceased insured
  14. Proof of use of rights with the National Employment Service for family members (decision, certificate)
  15. Form no 1. of a  physician on duty, with the original medical records (a specialist’s record, discharge lists, etc.), for persons incapable of independent life and work, for children unable to live independently and work the decision on the categorization is necessary
  16. The tax certificate to the applicant regarding the total amount of monthly income in the quarter before the death of the insured, the names and addresses of persons who can confirm the fact of allowance, when the allowance is a requirement for entitlement to a family pension
  17. The decision on custody, if the applicant has no legal guardian

Note: Persons who have been insured on several bases (employment, self-employed, farming), should submit evidence on each basis of insurance.

The application and documentation should be submitted to the branch according to the place of residence, in person or by mail, to Fund Directorate, Dr. Aleksandra Kostica 9 Belgrade, or Province Fund Directorate, Zitni trg 3 Novi Sad

Other people's help and care:

  • for the insured
  1. Request
  2. Original medical records by a specialist on the existence of physical damage, need for help and care of another person
  3. A certified copy of employment booklet
  4. Certificate of self-employment, issued by the competent authority
  5. Proof of the already achieved right at the second body
  6. Report of injury at work, if the physical damage, the need for assistance and care of another person resulted from injuries
  • for user
  1. Request
  2. Original medical records by a specialist on the existence of physical damage, need for help and care of another person
  3. Photocopy of ID card
  4. Name and address of the institution for social protection of elderly persons, if the applicant is placed in such a facility

The application and documentation should be submitted to the branch according to the place of residence, in person or by mail, to Fund Directorate, Dr. Aleksandra Kostica 9 Belgrade, or Province Fund Directorate, Zitni trg 3 Novi Sad

Request for determination of pensionable service abroad:

  1. Request
  2. All written evidence of the years of employment abroad
  3. A photocopy of employment booklet
  4. Proof of performed military service
  5. Photocopy of ID card
  6. Certificate of birth

The application and documentation should be submitted to the branch according to the place of residence, in person or by mail, to Fund Directorate, Dr. Aleksandra Kostica 9 Belgrade, or Province Fund Directorate, Zitni trg 3 Novi Sad

Approval of pension payments abroad

  1. Request
  2. A copy of the decision on retirement
  3. Proof of Citizenship
  4. Proof of permanent residence abroad 

